Donations, bequests and life insurance - Be a part of the Louvre’s history (1)Display:Bequests & Life insurance
Bequests & Life insurance
Make a lasting commitment to the Louvre and leave a meaningful legacy for generations to come through the Louvre Endowment Fund.
The Louvre Endowment Fund
The Louvre has chosen to deposit all bequests and donations in an inter-generational endowment fund that is exempt from inheritance and transfer taxes. Your gift will be preserved intact and will allow the Louvre to continue carrying out its core mission: preserving and transmitting artistic and cultural heritage well into the future.
Bequest: a powerful vote of confidence
To make a bequest, you need to write a will and name the Endowment Fund as your beneficiary. You can either write your will yourself or have it drawn up by a notary. If you have written your will yourself, it is a good idea to have it notarised to ensure that your wishes are carried out. Your bequest, regardless of the amount, is a valuable contribution to funding the core missions of the Louvre. The bequest can be in the form of a cash contribution, securities or property holdings.
Léguer au fonds de dotation du Louvre
La brochure
To bequest a work of art, please contact us in advance. This type of bequest must be handled directly by the Musée du Louvre.
Life insurance: a simple and accessible way to help the Louvre
When taking out a life insurance policy, you can designate the Louvre Endowment Fund as the full or partial beneficiary of your policy. No levy or estate tax will be imposed: your life insurance will be paid in full to support the Louvre.
Gift: giving today for the Louvre of tomorrow
A gift is an immediate and definitive transfer of full ownership from the donor to the museum. It is a notarised deed that can take the form of a cash contribution, securities or property holdings for which you may choose to retain the life estate. The fiscal advantages of gifts include a 66% reduction of the value of the gift on income tax and exemption from transfer taxes (for French residents only).
Play an active role in the life of the museum
We will guide you, with the help of your notary, through your entire bequest or gift project. Contact us and together we can determine your best options. This will also give us the opportunity to express our gratitude and involve you in museum projects:
- You become a member of the Jacques Jaujard Circle of art and history enthusiasts who have designated the Louvre Endowment Fund as the beneficiary of their bequest or life insurance policy, or who have made a gift.
- You enjoy a preferential relationship with the museum team.
- According to your wishes, the Louvre can make a permanent acknowledgement of your contribution in the museum or in the Endowment Fund guestbook.
Browse through this information leaflet to find out more and receive detailed documentation. Your request is strictly confidential and puts you under no obligation
Philippe Gaboriau
Information leaflet
Code of ethics for individual donors
Charte éthique
pour les donateurs individuels