
My Louvre by Antoine Compagnon

Writer in residence

Accessible on:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday


Scholar and author Antoine Compagnon is the writer-in-residence at the Musée du Louvre for one year, starting May 24, 2023. Each week he composes a text on a moment, a feeling, a work, or a person at the museum, and shares it on the museum’s digital platforms (Facebook and louvre.fr). Confronting a different theme or subject each time, Antoine Compagnon presents photographs of the life of the museum alongside his texts, opening new approaches to the world of the museum.

Start of trail

Step 1

Old Friends

Sully, room 302

Old Friends

Sully, room 302

Step 2

Paris, Renaissance Capital

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Paris, Renaissance Capital

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Step 3


Entrance hall - Pyramide


Entrance hall - Pyramide

Step 4

The Louvre, by Way of Carthage

Richelieu, room 233

The Louvre, by Way of Carthage

Richelieu, room 233

Step 5

Drawings and Prints

Department of Drawings and Prints

Drawings and Prints

Department of Drawings and Prints

Step 6

Shameless Comparatism

Denon, room 185

Shameless Comparatism

Denon, room 185

Step 7

Balthus before Balthus

Sully, rooms 936 and 938

Balthus before Balthus

Sully, rooms 936 and 938

Step 8

Playing Attendant

Denon, room 404

Playing Attendant

Denon, room 404

Step 9

Stone Books

Richelieu, rooms 521, 444 and 454

Stone Books

Richelieu, rooms 521, 444 and 454

Step 10

Should Children Be Taken to Museums?

Denon, room 405

Should Children Be Taken to Museums?

Denon, room 405

Step 11

Mixed Religion

Denon, room 187

Mixed Religion

Denon, room 187

Step 12

The Phantom of the Salle des Sept Mètres

Denon, room 709

The Phantom of the Salle des Sept Mètres

Denon, room 709

Step 13

Ukrainian icons

Denon, room 173

Ukrainian icons

Denon, room 173

Step 14

In the Arc du Carrousel

Arc du Carrousel

In the Arc du Carrousel

Arc du Carrousel

Step 15


Denon, room 714


Denon, room 714

Step 16


Denon, room 403


Denon, room 403

Step 17

Vivant Denon

Sully, room 936

Vivant Denon

Sully, room 936

Step 18

Bernard Palissy’s furnace


Bernard Palissy’s furnace


Step 19

The head of Louis XIV

Sully, room 602

The head of Louis XIV

Sully, room 602

Step 20

The youth museum

Richelieu, room 505

The youth museum

Richelieu, room 505

Step 21

The most beautiful French still life?

Sully, room 911

The most beautiful French still life?

Sully, room 911

Step 22

Degas the Younger

Sully, rooms 949 and 950

Degas the Younger

Sully, rooms 949 and 950

Step 23

Sketches and copies

Sully, rooms 941 and 942

Sketches and copies

Sully, rooms 941 and 942

Step 24

A contraband Giacometti

Sully, room 639

A contraband Giacometti

Sully, room 639

Step 25

“Such indecencies”

Denon, room 712

“Such indecencies”

Aile Denon, room 712

Step 26


Richelieu, room 826


Richelieu, room 826

Step 27

The defenders of the Louvre

Denon, rooms 404 and 406

The defenders of the Louvre

Denon, rooms 404 and 406

Step 28

Netflix at the Louvre

usée du Louvre and National Gallery of London

Netflix at the Louvre

Musée du Louvre and National Gallery of London

Step 29


Richelieu, room 845


Richelieu, room 845

Step 30

The empty room

Denon, room 726

The empty room

Denon, room 726

Step 31

The collection of Dr La Caze

Sully, room 918

The collection of Dr La Caze

Sully, room 918

Step 32

Paris in the country

Richelieu, room 802

Paris in the country

Richelieu, room 802

Step 33

The eternal boarder

Sully, rooms 943 and 949

The eternal boarder

Sully, room 943 and 949

Step 34

The San Sebastiano from Montalcino

Montalcino museum

The San Sebastiano from Montalcino

Montalcino museum

Step 35

The Tiepolo room

Denon, room 725

The Tiepolo room

Denon, room 725

Step 36


Richelieu, room 527


Richelieu, room 527

Step 37

The Beautiful German Woman

Denon, room 169

The Beautiful German Woman

Denon, room 169

Step 38

The Louvre in New York

Sully, room 663

The Louvre in New York

Sully, room 663

Step 39

A bathroom

Sully, room 947

A bathroom

Sully, room 947

Step 40


Richelieu, room 851


Richelieu, room 851

Step 41

Moved to Tears before "the Man with a Glove"

Denon, room 711

Moved to Tears before "the Man with a Glove"

Denon, room 711

Step 42

The Dog’s Snout

Richelieu, room 210

The Dog’s Snout

Richelieu, room 210

Step 43

Little Albertine

Sully, room 941

Little Albertine

Sully, room 941

Step 44

The Gardener of the Cour Marly

Richelieu, room 102

The Gardener of the Cour Marly

Richelieu, room 102

Step 45

The Cour Coysevox

Richelieu, rooms 102, 104 et 105

The Cour Coysevox

Richelieu, rooms 102, 104 et 105

Step 46

Blue as a Hippo

Sully, room 636

Blue as a Hippo

Sully, room 636

Step 47

The Toilet of Atalante

Richelieu, room 225

The Toilet of Atalante

Richelieu, room 225

Step 48

The Head of Charles V

Richelieu, room 209

The Head of Charles V

Richelieu, room 209

Step 49

Dog or Lion Cub

Richelieu, rooms 210 and 212

Dog or Lion Cub

Richelieu, rooms 210 and 212

Step 50

The Hidden Staircase

Sully, room 932

The Hidden Staircase

Sully, room 932

Step 51

The Sinister Side

Denon, room 169

The Sinister Side

Denon, room 169

Step 52

The Blue Servants

Sully, room 319

The Blue Servants

Sully, room 319

Step 53

Frieze of Eyes

Sully, room 317

Frieze of Eyes

Sully, room 317

Step 54

The Galerie des Grands Hommes

Richelieu, room 225

The Galerie des Grands Hommes

Richelieu, room 225

Step 55

The Diabolo of L’Indifférent

Sully, room 918

The Diabolo of L’Indifférent

Sully, room 918

Step 56

A Meticulous Visitor

Sully, rooms 916 and 917

A Meticulous Visitor

Sully, rooms 916 and 917

Step 57

Reception Piece

Richelieu, rooms 219 and 221

Reception Piece

Richelieu, rooms 219 and 221

Step 58

The Iron Master

Sully, room 912

The Iron Master

Sully, room 912

Step 59

Gilles and Bathsheba

Denon, room 663 / Richelieu, room 844

Gilles and Bathsheba

Denon, room 663 / Richelieu, room 844

Step 60

The Musées Nationaux Récupération [National Recuperation Museum]

Richelieu, rooms 804 and 805

The Musées Nationaux Récupération [National Recuperation Museum]

Richelieu, rooms 804 and 805

Step 61

The Inspiration of Saint Matthew

Richelieu, room 203

The Inspiration of Saint Matthew

Richelieu, room 203

Step 62

The Galerie Campana

Sully, rooms 651-659

The Galerie Campana

Sully, rooms 651-659

Step 63

The Head and the Hand

Richelieu, rooms 826 and 830

The Head and the Hand

Richelieu, rooms 826 and 830

Step 64

National Art Center - Tokyo

National Art Center - Tokyo

The Louvre in Tokyo

National Art Center - Tokyo

Step 65

Lost as in Tokyo

Richelieu, rooms 837 and 844

Lost as in Tokyo

Richelieu, rooms 837 and 844

Step 66

On Loan from the Louvre

Petit Palais - Avignon

On Loan from the Louvre

Petit Palais - Avignon

Step 67

The Biggest Slum in Paris

Sully, room 218

The Biggest Slum in Paris

Sully, room 218

Step 68

White on White

Denon, room 711

White on White

Denon, room 711

Step 69

The Resemblance Game

Denon, rooms 708 to 710

The Resemblance Game

Denon, rooms 708 to 710

Step 70

Napoleon III’s Circular Sofa

Richelieu, room 544

Napoleon III’s Circular Sofa

Richelieu, room 544

Step 71

The Pont des Arts


The Pont des Arts


Step 72

Yoga at Sargon II’s

Richelieu, room 229

Yoga at Sargon II’s

Richelieu, room 229

Step 73

Hortus conclusus

Escalier du Nord

Hortus conclusus

Escalier du Nord

Step 74

Keeper of the King’s Pictures

Sully, room 930

Keeper of the King’s Pictures

Sully, room 930

Step 75

Hand Authenticated

Denon, room 169

Hand Authenticated

Denon, room 169

Step 76

Fragment or Essence

Denon, room 170

Fragment or Essence

Denon, room 170

Step 77


Richelieu, rooms 718 and 801


Richelieu, rooms 718 and 801

Step 78

Pass and Pay

Sully, room 938

Pass and Pay

Sully, room 938

Step 79

Elephant Ivory

Richelieu, room 527

Elephant Ivory

Richelieu, room 527

Step 80

Watching Seeing

Watching Seeing

Step 81

Item Missing

Sully, room 337

Item Missing

Sully, room 337

Step 82

Au Louvre

Sully, room 321

Au Louvre

Sully, room 321

Step 83

The Duc de Choiseul’s Snuffbox

Richelieu, room 623

The Duc de Choiseul’s Snuffbox

Richelieu, room 623

Step 84

The Other Side of the Museum

Sully, room 906

The Other Side of the Museum

Sully, room 906

Step 85



Step 86

The Underside of the Museum

Sully, rooms 136-137

The Underside of the Museum

Sully, rooms 136-137

Step 87


Denon, room 170


Denon, room 170

Step 88

A Slow Day

Denon, room 711

A Slow Day

Denon, room 711

Step 89

The Hand of Eros

Sully, room 344

The Hand of Eros

Sully, room 344

Step 90

The Cat

Sully, room 332

The Cat

Sully, room 332

Step 91


Sully, room 347


Sully, room 347

Step 92


Sully rooms 948-952


Sully rooms 948-952

Step 93


Richelieu, Escalators


Richelieu, Escalators

Step 94

Poetic Joust

Denon, room 186,

Poetic Joust

Denon, room 186,

Step 95

The Mummy

Sully, room 322

The Mummy

Sully, room 322

Step 96

The Crypt of the Sphinx

Sully, room 348

The Crypt of the Sphinx

Sully, room 348

Step 97

The Welcoming Hands, Louise Bourgeois

Tuileries yard, facing Jeu de paume museum

The Welcoming Hands, Louise Bourgeois

The Welcoming Hands, Tuileries yard, facing Jeu de paume museum

Way to exit

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